Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week 3 - learning Tagalog

 How did Nani's baptism go?   Whats happening in NY? I heard at the temple this morning that there is like a massive storm times two on the east coast and nyc is underwater and totes shut down? are people ok? are the Nelson's ok? (our friends in NYC)

Yesterday our teacher taught about prayer and it was super awesome. He told us that by the end of class he wanted us to be completely different people and we kinda were which was way cool! He just had us go through our resources and read and study and then study with our companions and then teach and then right after that we had to teach him as our "investigator" Toni and he had just challenged us to end every lesson with the investigator offering a kneeling spoken prayer and then we were like 2/3 through our lesson and toni was like umm i have to go you're out of time and we were like ok can we come back blah blah blah and i was like umm you're gonna pray before we leave. i just like kept talking till he prayed for us which was kinda hilarious cuz it was actually bro langer and he knew what i was doing but if it was real it would have been crazy cuz we hadn't taught him ANYTHING about prayer except through us praying at the start and end of our last lesson. but it was fun. 

Tagalog is super fun. we're working on our syl (speak your language) which means we say everything we know how to say in tagalog everything we want to say that. like instead of saying yes we ALWAYS say opo ect. its fun, i enjoy it cuz thats the kind of language learning that is chill for me, pick up phrases in a language and implement them into my normal language. but my grammar is still awful unless its scripted. like i don't think in Tagalog i just translate from English so its English grammar which is wrong in tagalog. room for improvement obviously. im also working on the dictionary. yesterday i started letter A. I'm going through each letter and writing it out on my own paper and studying from that and highlighting a word once i know it and moving on to the next letter once i know the majority of that letter. actually kinda entertaining :)

Everything is wonderful, I'm still alive, the weather is bipolar but whatevs its Utah. I'm loving it here (especially the devotionals, we're singing in the choir tonight and its AMAZING)
Ok one more thing on that! we went to practice on Sunday and the director was A. hilarious and B. super motivational lolz we're singing faith of our fathers and there are like a million elders so that sound awesome and he was like how old are you sisters? do we have any 19 year olds yet? and we don't so he was like ok good. now i want you to sound like mature 21 year old women. once the 19 year olds invade all bets will be off but you sisters can do this! it was funny and then he showed us how and we actually sounded preeeeetty awesome. just saying :) then he told us a bunch of super awesome pioneer stories about like John Taylor and Parley P. Pratt as missionaries and how that is the faith of our fathers and that is what we are singing about and how we need to feel that in our music. super cool. loved it!
aight im done now for reals. :)
love you all!!
-Sister Jones

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