Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November: Learning and happy in the MTC

     So this week was awesome as per usual!  I went to class, it was great! We ate lots of food, except on fast Sunday when we almost died, jk it was great, we had mission conference and the MTC Presidency spoke to us as well as President and Sister Sonne (district presidents maybe?) and they all did a really great job! One thing that I particularly enjoyed was something Sister Brown talked about, quoting President Monson, that we need to prepare with purpose, teach with testimony, and labor with love. and that our purpose is to help children of God fulfill conditions prescribed by the Savior to save souls! It was a really great conference! Then we met with our branch president (just the 8 sisters that are left in our branch) and his wife talked about a bunch of scriptures that we need for our mission that were all about the power that we can draw from the Savior and the comfort that comes with that power. and how much she loves us and wants to help us and is our mother here (for reals she is super nice and loving and just wants to take care of all of us all the time!) and then President talked about developing a conviction like the pioneer women had to set an example for our future kiddos and whatnot. It was pretty cool, he told us some awesome stories. Our branch president is kinda funny cuz he is suuuper successful and therefore a wee bit intense and sometimes he offends the elders but its hilarious and he's just trying to get them to develop good habits so they'll look sharp and present themselves well in the mish which is important.
     Then President Seamons came and talked to us and he was hilarious! he talked about our black name tags and what it means to wear them and everything, he was awesome. Our fast and testimony meeting was also way cool because it was all in Tagalog (slash Taglish) and even though we couldn't understand everything that was said, the spirit was so strong and you could feel the conviction from the missionaries that they knew what they were saying was true. Super cool.
     umm halloween was boring here, except I saw a Zombie which was weiiird cuz I totes forgot it was Halloween. Hows the election turning out? We're all anxious to hear what happens!  Love you all!  I took a couple pics at the temple on Sunday.
Time to switch the laundry!
mahal kita!
-sister jones
ps. happy be kind to mom week!!!!!!!

here's some pictures!!!
they're of my companions and i and the last one is our district and a bad one of my name tag, sorry i couldn't get a better one, i'll try again another time.
love you

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