Monday, June 17, 2013

Golden investigators pay tithing before joining:) & jackfruit...

So this week was gooooood. just doing our missionary thing ya know.... 
Our golden family of investigators is doing great! we're super excited about them. They pay tithing every week... we haven't taught them tithing yet... that's how golden they are. and this week they gave us a referral! so she's been to the last two lessons and she's super great too! her brother passed away unexpectedly not that long ago so we got to talk about the temples and how once we do the work for ourselves, we get to do it for all of our loved ones! it was a really cool conversation. also i think a member told sister rose that you can be sealed to your family in the temple but they said it in english and she thought they said see.... so she was like hey is it true that i'll see my dead family in the temple? and i was like eh?? where did you hear that! anyway we talked it out. it was good. we're mostly on the same page again....
ano pa...... 
we have had suuuuper amazing timing with the rain. aka the Lord loves us. and we'll be like getting ready to leave the apt and it'll be raining crazy hard and then right before we leave... it'll stop!!! or the same thing while we're teaching so we didn't even get super wet this week!
Sister Rose made us some way good fruit/coconut dish yesterday.... it had jackfruit in it and she and her friend Elma couldn't remember what it was called in english and they just kept saying it's fruit and then finally remembered the jack part and thought it was the funniest thing ever. they were like all that was missing was the jack!! i just kept saying fruit and all i needed was to add jack! jack was hiding from me!!! hahaha jack was hiding!!! lolz i think people repeat themselves a lot.... but it's cuz when they don't believe us that we actually speak tagalog they say everything in tagalog and then try to translate it into english and tell us the same story again... which is wicked helpful when you first get here and have no idea what's going on but once you understand tagalog life is a lil redundant..... but always hilarious. :)
We had a bunch of meetings this week! follow-up training for sister chamberlain and then a meeting with half the mission (the other half was on wed) where President Sperry told us that backpacks are bawal.... and a bunch of other stuff too but that was the main affect it had on me... time to buy a side bag!
anyway life is good!
peace out!
-sister jones

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