Monday, September 30, 2013

It's a beautiful Day! -- Mission Birthday and random answers

Sister Cestona and Sarah
Sarah and Sister Mower
Sarah and Sister Mower - they made matching shirts
September 29, 2013  It’s a beautiful Day!
it's a beautiful day! lookin for something fun to do, hey baby, i think i'll turn 22!!! 
yeah that song plays a lot here...... also! mimi the dog died.... it was her time to go.... like a year ago. 
anyway back to beautiful days! my birthday was one of those. the sisters went out early and got 22 pieces of pan de sal and taho!!!! malinamnam for sure. (that is a real word ps and it means delicious. my life became complete the day i learned that.) then we opened my package!!! it was very pink!! lolz
then we studied. and did weekly planning. and got punted from a few appts. taught some munchkin RC/LAs, actually, told them they were lame and we'll come back when they stop being lame. came home and went to bed! 
Me on my birthday with my stuffz
Birthday poster from my comps

All four of us (companion and house mates)

juuuust kidding! well, all of that is very true. before we left for work the zone leader called (he was in the office for some unknown reason) and they all sang happy birthday to me! it was very sweet! then i came home and the other sisters had made a beautiful spaghetti dinner and we played games and ate spaghetti and had a party :) and they gave me all sorts of fun stuff. like! a jeepney shirt that glows in the dark. awesome. and headbands and earrings that have a face on them of some famous dude here... and a coin purse... lots of fun stuff! best part was most def the super hero birthday poster :) it was a lovely day

other things that happened this week........ our stove died and was started a perpetual shocking fund for us every time we cooked..... we got a new one this morning :)
also...... this week was family week! go philippines, they have a whole week to celebrate the family. astig. so! we had a family day celebration at the church for our ward and the other ward that meets there... we were supposed to get there in time for lunch and to hand out family proclamations to the world to errybody... but we lucked out and caught like two hours of instruction on how to prepare for natural disasters and whatnot. that was cool too i guess. good for people to know cuz we get floods every few years... or weeks :)
Making-Angay family
Response to Lindsay's dear elder! random things!!! 
first off. every day i feel like i'm living the Truman show. for reals. cuz everything just happens the same way every time!!! it used to be we walk out of the house and someone would comment on how mimi needs to die... but then she died.... we're gonna have to find new out of door conversations..... 
People wake up crazy early here! and every morning without fail you will see some crazy old grandma sweeping up leaves on the road... leaves are obviously the absolute worst thing you could have on the road in front of your house and an absolute disgrace. the dog poop, (hopefully it's dog....) however, can stay. 
Karaoke is all day erry day. like for reals. and usually involves drinking.... luckily, however, because people wake up so dang early, it usually doesn't go super late and we can all sleep peacefully. until it starts again in the wee hours of the morning! 
Every morning people walk around selling things that they carry with them till they sell them. sometimes this makes sense and is actually quite genius. like when they are selling delicious things, like taho. other times however, it just seems exhausting! like when they are selling something quite large, like a couch.  

Everyone yells at us, after we walk by. not when we smile and say hi buuuut like two mins later when we're way far away they yell at our backs, "hey! wash your name!!!" or another favorite "where you going!" which could be interchanged with "Where you from!" in tagalog these greeting make much more sense and are frequently used..... these are children by the way, people speak english quite well, once they've gone to school. my favorite thing ever though is still when my companion tells me about our living frophet..... so great :)
Well that's all folks! 

good morning!     and in case i don't see ya,    good afternoon,     good evening,    and good night!
-sister jones
Bowling as a zone


  1. So glad you had a good mission birthday in the Philippines!

  2. Aww - that was fun to get a response :) SO fun to see birthday pictures!!
