Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Province! Fresh air, and riding in a Pedi-cab

fresh air!!! the province is for reals great. so green and beautiful!!! we ride lil pedi-cabs (side car) around, it's like being in a parade.... always!! lolz

PS:   a pedi-cab is a bike with a lil side thing attached to it where we sit.... so this dude on a bike with no gears pulls us around the rocky roads :) and then we talk to them while they're struggling up a hill about their families and where  they live and if they like their job and then we give them a card while they're out of breath and can't say no!! muahaha! joke lang ish. 

other news! mlc was cool, conference was awesome, annnnnnd yep! 

Sister Noriega is ps hilarious. she's like the energizer bunny... that also happens to be a really great missionary. it's the first time in...... 4 transfers my comp has been older than me in the mish, it's super fun! teaching is soooo nice. idk how to explain it besides saying that it's easy. things just go where we want to take them. unity kaagad. it's tight

She also asks me random english questions like what dope means. (She's way good at english, it's just random slang that throws her, which makes all her questions hilarious)

Soooo this week was very fast and i don't have anything exciting to tell you...... 

We taught a family last night. there were three men and the mom. usually, the families here have struggles from the men. this family, however, was the complete opposite. it was so weird! but also way cool to see these strong Priesthood holders. The 24 year old recent covert shared his experience that while he was watching general conference he got a text from work asking him to come in, and he was like no, i'm watching general conference! and they kept texting him but he just didn't respond until they were like aight we found a replacement for you! he was like blessing! (ok i don't remember what he said, but he was recognizing the Lord's hand in helping him not have to work on Sunday) that was cool.

We also taught this suuuuuper sweet lady named nora. she's 83 ish and is taking care of her bed-ridden sibling. we taught about repentance and she thanked us for coming to awaken her from her slumber of sin (aight i don't remember what her exact words were either...) because she hasn't been reading her scriptures daily. it was so cool to see her understanding of repentance that it isn't mean, or sad, or scary. it's an invitation to further receive blessings!! and she was so happy! we also talked to her about getting the sacrament brought to her and she was soooo happy! it was a really precious moment. 

Next week on meycauayan: zone training meeting, exchanges in other areas wed and thurs, more planning, and speaking in church sun! should be a party!

Have a great week! 
-sister jones

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