Monday, November 11, 2013

Safe and Sound and the work goes on! Shoe thief & Pictures too...

Thank you for all of your prayers and concern!!!! we are completely safe here. send your prayers down to Tacloban!!! they have been hit crazy hard. but they're way down south (completely different islands). we had a lil rain, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Cutting down bamboo with a butcher knife --after the typhoon
72 hour kits in their apartment - ready for the typhoon

Anyways this week was great! but first, stuff i forgot to tell you about last week....
we were playing wiffle ball (idk how to spell that...) and the gate was open to the church and this super crazy lady came in and was like waving a straw around like a wand and mumbling stuff.... but she wouldn't talk to us so we were just like uhhhh aight let her do her thing then she went inside the church and came out with a hymn book. sorry lady, can't have that! so then she just gala-galaed around waving her straw and mumbling at us.. so this continued for some time then! i go up to her to try to usher her gently out and she's like all smiles and just rubbing my arm and squeezing my arm.... not actually that unusual of an occurrence .... anyway i just waked her over to the gate and led her a lil ways away and she wanted me to kiss her on the check... not sure if that completed the spell but it's all good :) 

Next! the neighborhood dog has a fetish for my shoes.... not legit! 
So we left for three days last week and when we came back, one of my shoes was missing! so i finally replaced my beloved and now holey shoes.... so i got some new ones. then that night he took one of those!!! lame. now we obviously keep our shoes inside at night..... just took a lil too long to learn that lesson... 
Sarah's "holey" shoes and socks

So i should be at the point by now that i don't mix up simple words in tagalog, right? wrong. alas. that never ends apparently. just like english. anyway! we're teaching this lady about...... abinadi! and noah. so i wanted to ask who king noah was more scared of, God or the priests... except i said God or the sayote!!! (that's a vegetable......) it was awkward. but super funny. should be saserdote..... close enough! 

hmmmm also! this is sister noriega's last p-day!!! so that's crazy. we get to go fix up a sister's fight this week... yay!!! exchanges ulit! and sister noriega's ert! so just a couple days here in our area :/ 
Sarah and Sister Noriega
The work is going great! we have two baptisms on Saturday. both part members. the cool thing is we're getting the parents back at church because of the baptism. that's always good to see. and we should have two more next saturday
10 year old Cyrel going to be baptized Saturday

Last night we got dropped by an investigator because her husband's whole family is of another religion and they can't take the pressure of being different. and we can't teach them there daw because his siblings live close by and they'll walk by and see us teaching there. officially lame. i just let sister noriega talk there cuz what i really wanted to say would have been a lil harsh... .... anyway! 

Then! we went to teach a girl who is super awesome and legit. much much better experience. she is just so ready! she asks all the right questions and really is thinking and praying about what we're teaching her! she's gonna get baptized on dec 7th which is the stake baptism thing so that'll be great! 

Then we went to dinner at a member's house. they have a missionary out in the field right now and would like to take this opportunity to apologize to errybody that comes to our house right now..... parents just get soooo excited about what's happening to their kids...... mom. reign it in please. ;)  [note from me:  I don't do this do I????]

have a great week! we're all safe and sound and the work continues! 

-sister jones

candles in a heart from the Novaliches sisters - going away surprise

signs from Novaliches sisters - going away surprise

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