Sunday, December 8, 2013

One year in the Philippines, exchanges and drama...letsbehonest

This coming week i will hit my one year mark in the field. crazy how time flies! a year ago i was in the mtc getting suuuuper excited to come to the philippines! and now i have less than five months left on my mission!! crazy

Anyway this week we had some crazy things happen. 

1. our investigator, nick, came to church!! best thing ever!!!! then we went to teach him on tuesday and for the first time ever he told us he thinks he can stop smoking. 
this man has been investigating the church on and off for over TEN years. and he has always been held back by smoking. he has never believed that he can change. so missionary after missionary has dropped him even though he knows the church is true, he knows the book of mormon is true, he believes everything, he just doesn't know how to bring it home. but he went to church!!! and then he just didn't feel the need to smoke! he said he's usually like searching for a cigarette after however long passes but this time he wasn't!!! so great

so we made a fun lil chart/calander thing of how many cigarettes he can smoke every day until it's down to 0!!! which is christmas day... so we're giving that to him on tuesday :) so he can get baptized jan 25th!! that's the goal.. we'll see what he says :) 

2. went on exchanges in baliwag!! i worked with a sister that is only one transfer behind me.... it was super weird. we've had such different missions even though we've been in the same mission for almost the same amount of time! she's a recent convert and had some really rough things happening back home while she's been on her mission so it was amazing to see how far she's come
on the other hand. her teaching of the lessons was reading the pamphlets. suuuuuper boring. sooo we worked on that. cuz letsbehoest. that's not a party. if i was her investigator, i would punt her. 

also had some fun experiences of just not teaching people who want to fight. we went to this recent convert who had an operation and is now pretty much vegetative. his wife is a catholic and his son is on a mission right now. you would think the wife would be nice... not even a lil bit... .suuuuper awkward. refused to even tell me her name. i told her mine and she was like oh i'm sister jone too. i was like aight homes, if you're gonna be like that, at least get my name right. it's not even hard to say. anyway she was clearly just gonna turn into a spiritless headache of a lesson so after she said some crazy opening prayer i was just like welllll you're not gonna listen to us so we're not gonna waste our time with you. thanks, bye. 
totes caught her off guard. so great. anyway then we left. headache averted. no point in fighting people that don't want to listen! 

3. apparently the whole companionship inventory thing that needs to go down in weekly planning is bringing out some major issues in their companionship. so as we're ending up our weekly planning we get some serious texts of distress and then two phone calls from president sperry that our sisters were having some problems... yay!! so we went on exchanges the next day and got to work on our therapy skills..... they need some work but they were enough cuz the sisters are not going to be emergency transferred and are happy and friends now :) ooooh sisters. so much drama. 

anyway! our four amazing investigators here in meycauayan are still doing amazing and on track for their baptisms on dec 21st!! so we're super excited for that :) they all have really great member support so we're gonna set up testimony meetings for each of them the week before their baptism (next week) with their member friends/family :) should be awesome! 

life is good! go to church
-sister jones

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