Monday, January 13, 2014

Lots of Walking nets new investigators

This week was very interesting... and involved a lot of walking!!! 
but it's all good cuz we found and taught some great people because of it. 

Including!! last night, we went back to Mark's family! Mark wasn't there. and neither was his dad. so we just taught his mom! but it actually turned out really great cuz she opened up with some of her concerns and we were able to have a really personal lesson with her. 

They weren't able to go to church cuz their tricycle broke down sat afternoon and they spent all sat and sunday fixing it :/ but!! we left them the assignment to read alma 40... and when we got back sister showed us brother's book of mormon, he's in helaman 5!! he read straight through! haha and hit all the war chapters!! 

We also met this really cute little family this week, JR and Cheche.... short for rachel of course. and they have a lil boy named... wait for it... like mike. yep, that's for reals. the dad used to be muslim!! but now he is suuuper christian. im excited to talk to him about that conversion. they're both really interested and seem super sincere. we were worried brother would have work on sunday but!! he chooses not to! just like that! coolest thing ever. 

This week we had zone conference, which was wonderful as usual. all the missionaries that are close to going home bore their testimony... next zone conference, that's me! weird. 

ano pa..... we set up all our exchanges for this transfer... we only have six sets of sisters now! so it'll be pretty chill. and it seems like a good group.... hopefully the drama will drop a lil bit :) 

We went to meet who we thought was a less active buuuut turns out she's not a member!! and has never even been taught by the missionaries!! haha sooo awkward at first. but then it turned out pretty cool. she let us come in and teach and set a return appointment! God works in mysterious ways!!

anyway! hope all is well in your part of the world!
thanks for the love and support!
-sister jones 

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