Tuesday, February 18, 2014

So this week i went to probs my last new area. it was weird. the first day i just felt like i was on exchanges. then the second day it started sinking in. i was in meycauayan for a long time! i kinda felt like i was cheating on them at church this week... 

But that's ok! im super stoked to be here. the area is suuuper pretty. and my comp is great and we're ready to work!!! cuz along with being super pretty, our area is... in it's growing stage!! parang palagi [like always]... that's ok :) 

I get to go on exchanges in malanday! they really just can't get rid of me. last transfer i was in that stake and now im going to work there again! that'll be fun. 

This week was pretty normal. just getting settled in. we didn't go grocery shopping yet so i was living off any food that the last sisters left lolz but we'll go today :) 

We're teaching a dude that has lived here a few years but he's from nepal and doesn't speak a lick of tagalog. it was super hilarious cuz he's totally aware of the fact that he's at least doubled if not tripled my time here in the philippines but...... still can't speak or understand anything!! we talked about the Holy Ghost in sunday school and i just showed him the verse on the gift of tongues and said that's what he's missing. just has to go on a mission!! 

We're also teaching a ton of people that are not married. like more than ever before that is the number one hadlang [barrier]  in this area. we invite people to be baptized and literally our next question is are you married? and they're like no.......... cool. we'll work on that. 

The members here seem super great, it's a branch working on becoming a ward! they have a few missionaries out right now and a guy just got his call yesterday and they have a few more working on their papers! pretty impressive for the small group that they are. 

We're singing at the wedding reception of the first counselor in the branch presidencytomorrow..... you should probs pray for us..... we've got a loud and proud tone deaf kwan. oh well! 

have a great week!
-sister jones

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