Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sarah Leaves the MTC in ONE WEEK!

ta-da! we're all stoked. everyday we have a last something (yesterday was our last morning service, today is everyone's last P-day except mine cuz i pretty much have all of tuesday next week to kick it without them.) its sobra exciting! all of our investigators are getting baptized so life is good! lolz we taught our investigator's "husband" the other day cuz he was subbing our class and after we were all like aight. that was ok. not bad. not great. you know just feeling kinda mediocre about it and then we had weekly planning and our sub teacher came in and was like umm how do you feel about your lesson today? and we told him and he was like umm you're all crazy. that lesson was one of the best i've had in the mtc. i had to keep reminding myself that i was not actually a 65 year old man in the Philippines cuz i just felt so strongly that that is how you saw me, that is who you were teaching. and then he asked us to come in and motivate the new-bies about teaching "investigators" in the mtc. i thought the whole thing was suuuper ironicly hilarious because i came into the mtc absolutely hating role-playing. i was not stoked for that at all. and then as we got started we just focused so much on the needs of our fake investigator that they became real. we pray for our investigators, we rejoice with them when they progress, we are disheartened when they don't understand us/the doctrine and we strive with all our hearts to go back and try again until they do understand. this feeling of reality has made all the difference in our role-playing. even when we role-play amongst ourselves! we assume a character of someone real. someone we really know with real problems and real concerns and real heartache and then we teach them and react as we think they react. this kinda seems trivial but! the Spirit is able to work through us as we assume these roles and involve ourselves in the eternal progression and salvation of people we know and love, even though it's from afar. so that's been a cool experience. and now i don't hate role playing! huzzah! lolz. k next. how was dad's birthday!!? did you do anything exciting? did you get my card? i crack myself up. i spent like three trips to the bookstore picking out that card and laughed allll day about it but no one else in my class thought it was that funny sooo i hope you did :) 

hey guess what, i get to talk to you in a week! sooo im done. also emails take forever soooo yeah. :)
love you!
ps we got to watch the first presidency christmas devotional for our fireside on sunday and it was great! (of course) oh! and i sat next to this random elder kid who was like oh hey i moved to ventura three weeks before i came into the mtc! suuuper random. did a hall family move into the stake? parents names Nathan and Victoria? three kids, he's the oldest? or maybe 4 kids letsbehonest i don't remember.... anyway! small world! (they lived in Newbury park right before that for a lil but they were in washington mostly)
mmk now im for reals done.
love sister jones

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