Sunday, January 27, 2013

New house sister and a strange superstition

This week was pretty chill. sister garcia and i got our matching shirts with random tagalog phrases on them that we found out after don't mean what we thought they meant lolz. alas, now it's just an inside joke :) 
We went to transfer meeting cuz we were a threesome for a day cuz sister drio died and it was pretty exciting. they're expanding our mission hardcore. right now we have 30 sisters, they're upping that to 50 and we have 170 total and that's going up to 210. so pretty much everyone will train. a lot. which is awesome! 

They're hitting hard on obedience alllll the time cuz they need to be able to trust us to train the newbies or else our mission will just expand in disobedience slash be super ineffective even though it will get bigger. so we're kinda feeling the pressure from president but its all good!

This transfer is 7 weeks instead of six to adjust for the changes in the mtc stay so everyone got 6 days added to their mission. which means 13 weeks with sister garcia!! lolz we're having way too much fun, it's awesome. and we're both sooo excited for this month! we have 5 baptisms set for February and they're all looking good. like they're totally gonna happen! its way excitng!

Apparently we worked our ward mission leader too hard, he called us yesterday to inform us he is "resigning" slash asking bishop to be released. I didn't know you could resign from callings. anyway that just means that we are totes on our own for planning baptisms and stuff, which isn't a huge difference. now we just have to print the programs ourselves. and there is a member baptism this week for a family we've been working with so we're pretty much in charge of that too. and we get to speak!! yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy! joke lang, we're excited. 

Temple tour is this saturday! we're taking our recent convert, a couple investigators, and some of their member friends, it should be awesome. and then that night is the member baptism and then there is a huge birthday party for a lola in the ward, aka, we get free dinner :) and friday is follow up training with president sperry and all my batch mates! it should be a really great week! this week we had all five of our feb bap date investigators at church so we're super stoked. and a less active we randomly visited on sat night that sister garcia has never seen at church (she's been here like 5 months) came to church!! sister b__g. im pretty sure she doesn't come cuz her name is cray cray. joke lang, we were sooo surprised to see her there!! 

Story time. this happened forever ago but i always forget to tell you kids about it. like my first sat here, we went to visit a sister (who is getting baptized this month) and her sister was there with her lil baby and sister garcia at the beginning was like oohhh your baby is so cute!! you know, the usual interaction with babies that are wicked cute but we can't hold. nbd. then we taught the lesson, didn't think anything of it. then as we were getting ready to leave the sister was like umm you can't leave. and we were like umm ok bye!! and she was like no for reals. you can't leave cuz you told my baby it was cute. so now you have to spit on its tummy or else it will get sick. sister garcia was like ummmmmm what?? and i had absolutely no idea what was going on cuz it was my third day and i didn't know the word for saliva (i know i know, what was i doing in the mtc that i didn't learn the word for saliva??) anyway they wouldn't let us leave so sister garcia goes over and sticks her finger in her mouth to get some spitty spit and rubs it on the baby's chen (tummy) and she's like uhh aight peace. and they're like nope, sister jones too. and im like whaa i didn't even talk to your baby, you want me to do whaat? so i still don't know what im supposed to be doing so i just kissed my finger and touched the baby's chen and peaced outta there. 

so most random superstition ever. we talked to some members about it and they were like umm that's weird. lolz. then!! we were at a member's house and sister garcia told the neighbor's baby it was cute!!! and the next day we get a text from the member at sabi niya sisters, you need to come over to our house right now. its an emergency. we were like uhh its almost curfew and we're all the way across town! what's wrong! and sabi niya, the baby you talked to yesterday won't stop crying, you need to come spit on its chen. right now. that's the only way it will stop crying. we were like are you serious?? sabi niya, yes. come now. but we were in a lesson then so we couldn't go! when we got done with our lesson we had another text from them, joke lang the baby is all better now!! lolz cool. 

PS - The new Sister is Samoan!  She's way nice!
PS Yesterday we made pancakes for dinner with mango and nutella.  So good.  
Im outie, peace!

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