Monday, February 4, 2013

It's getting hotter!

wow hello to everyone! 

this week was pretty chill. nothing too ridiculous went down.... lots of people whispering americanas as we pass by, lots of people promising to come to church and then not (lamest thing ever btw) lots of people actually keeping their commitments and doing great! 

we just met a new investigator earlier today (that's why this email is way late, sorry kids) and she is super awesome! her husband is a way less active member but her in-laws are active and already fellow shipping them (best thing ever). it was kinda funny cuz we were getting to know her and we asked how many kids she has and she was like 2. oh wait 3. oh wait 4 pala! we were like umm how can you forget?? but one of them passed away as a baby and the oldest is from her first marriage and is like grown up and doesn't live with them i guess. then she was like yeah this is my second husband and we both like hold our breath and think to ourselves daaaaaang it (big problem here cuz of the no divorce thing, makes baptism and temple work reaaaally difficult) but she went on to say her first husband died. i have never been so happy to hear about a death. cuz that means she's actually married to this guy!! huzzah! anyway we're stoked. totes worth cutting our p-day in half. 

february is going well! its getting hot in hur but we're just gettin our sweat on! nbd :) which makes it suuuuper hilarious when we walk places and random people are like oh hey there beautiful ladies (not an exact quote) or my personal fav is when they're like you're sexy now! (except we see them everyday so it always makes me wonder, what about yesterday, i wasn't sexy then???) anyway after that we always laugh to each other about how they must not actually know what sexy means cuuuuzzz we're sweatin like shaq in the playoffs. and never wear make up. and always have our hair up in some messy bun or braid thing (especially me!) not exactly picture perfect lolz. alas apparently sexy is just a synonym for soooobrang puti. (super white) 

we're so stoke for our baptism on thursday! her name is Mariz and she's 20. we're having our recent convert baptize her! and an SA that we work with got a bunch of the SAs involved so they're speaking and conducting and doing all sorts of stuff, its awesome. 

this week was like a punch in the face of how important church attendance is. when our investigators come to church, they do well, when they don't they don't. its so crucial! 
we had a less active FINALLY come back to church this week and it was so great!! she's been giving us excuses for months but a bunch of wardies visited her (go home and visiting teaching!!!!) and she finally came back. she was so happy to be there too. it was great! 
so my invitation for all of you kids, gagawin po ba ninyo magsimba twing linggo??? (will you go to church every week??) 

i know that church is so important. that is where we can draw strength from the unity of the members. just having a group of people all together with the same goal and purpose is so powerful, plus add that to the Spirit that comes with teaching and testifying of Christ and church can be so amazing! it is a great opportunity to lift and serve one another. 

temple tour was great. its warming up quite nicely over here, sister garcia and i decided that it is the hottest at night. ano ba iyan. we're putting our fans to good use! 

peace out americans 
love you all!
-sister jones!

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