Monday, February 11, 2013

A Baptism, A braid and Pasma...

We had a baptism on thursday!! it was great!! everyone was there that was supposed to be there!   Our recent convert did a great job baptizing her, even though we forgot to tell him to say the word of in the prayer soooo he had to redo it a couple times... other than that though he did great! she only had to go into the water once! which is good cuz she also has an intense phobia of water.... good times. and it was her 21st birthday!! great way to celebrate turning 21, eh?? she was so stoked, it was awesome. we had a couple speakers from the ward including a girl we didn't really know before but turns out she is awesome and is gonna start working with us a bunch! 

We got a new mission leader, this kid that just had to come home early from his mission for medical reasons. he is great! super enthusiastic and working hard. he wants to have a coordinating meeting every sunday with all the auxiliaries... bishop talked him down to once a month. and we're having a monthly missionary fireside. our first topic will be: home and visiting teaching!!! yayyyy.

This week was cool cuz i feel like my language is coming more fluidly now and i don't have to ask sister garcia for as many words as before (i'll be like in the middle of teaching and i just ask sister garcia what a word is in english, which is kinda weird cuz they probs understand my english word and sometimes she doesn't know and then i ask our investigators and they tell me and i move on.) anyway that's happening less now which is cool. and understanding is going way up. i can pretty much understand everything, as long as im paying attention. but that's super tiring, so it pretty much only happens in lessons slash OYMs. 

So i always do my hair in braids here cuz im lazy, obviously. but people are like really impressed by them which is hilarious cuz i just like stick a flower in to cover up the bumps and call it good. anyway! somehow im doing a member's hair for her wedding in two weeks. so that should be interesting. i told her i have to practice on her hair before then to know what she wants. mostly i just don't want to try and do her hair on her wedding day and fail and have her hate me forever and her whole family go inactive.... that would be awkward. 
she just wants what i do like erryday though so it should work out ok :)
it went well :)

Elder Bednar gave that talk to the MTC awhile ago and called it "The Countenance of Christ" it was definitely my favorite talk that i heard (it was a Sunday night video thing) while i was there. sooo good. and this week i started studying chapter 6, characteristics of Christ! (family unity or what? lolz) anyway so far i've only done faith, hope, and charity but! i've decided that it all comes down to faith is what we do, hope is how we do it, and charity is why we do it. and that's why charity is the most important and without it all is lost because the goal is to be doing everything right for the right reasons, aka charity. 
those are my thoughts, thank you, i'll be here all week. ;)
sister jones 

ps we went to a one year old's birthday party this week that was more intense than all of my birthday parties combined, It was ridiculous. word on the street was the congressman was making an appearance later. what up. good thing the birthday girl was asleep for the whole thing! the food was really good though :)

also we got instructed about pasma. (mysterious sickness that affects everything and everyone) moral of the lecture was that when you get home you can't wash your feet for like 3 hours until your legs have had a chance to rest or else you will get pasma. bummerz cuz that's pretty much the first thing we do when we get home! 
we had dinner at a member's house last night and randomly like the whole young men's group was hanging out at the house so we shared to all of them about missionary work. it was a party, they're legit kids. 
umm yep i can't remember anything else.... next time na lang!

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