Wednesday, March 20, 2013

New companion - New area!

We had temple day today so i've been up since three and its wicked hot right now. in other news im in a beautiful area!!!!!! like for reals. gorgeous. my new comp is sister abanggan and she is from cebu. (philippines) she is suuuper legit. and this is her last transfer! im killing her off! but she's awesome and not trunky at all. which is impressive. we are opening up an area so that's exciting. but the good thing is its just an area that just got split and one of the sisters that was here last transfer is still here! so the first couple days she just showed us around our area (cuz there are very few street names and even fewer house numbers) (and our area is like a forest jungle maze, get excited.) but for reals. we are lucky that she's still around. 

Apparently last transfer was just crazaaay. errybody and their mom (literally) got pulled out or transferred unexpectedly or whatevs. President got up and was just like soo the result of this transfer was unexpected to me too. i don't know why you are all where you are. but i know you are there for a reason. i changed and changed the transfer board again and again and i am finally at peace with it so thats whats up. ok not exactly in those words but you get the idea. 

We have a very small area book right now but it's rapidly expanding! oh yeah, im in san jose del monte zone, pangarap 2 area. in pangarap branch, san jose del monte district. so we're in a branch but it has about 185 active members daw. 5 of the 6 branches qualify to become wards so they are expecting to become a stake very soon daw. i have no idea how all that works but its legit. i haven't been to church in our branch yet cuz sunday was stake conference and it was the general broadcast thing. 

That was awesome! we heard from elder Holland and elder Hales and some other people that were also awesome! and there was a great turnout! mostly because they told everyone (including us) that it started at 9.... but it actually started at 10.... in theory that's a good idea cuz like everyone gets their late so they would actually be on time even if they were an hour late buuuuuut actually not legit. President Sperry was kinda mad. but whatevs we met an investigator in our area there and she is great! 

lets see ano pa...... life is good. im healthy, haven't been sick at all, if you know what i mean ;) ..... my comp is super nice and a really hard worker. she talks reaaaaally fast. but my language is doing decently. everyone says i speak well and my comprehension is probs about 80% yata. 
our district slash zone is huge! which is fun. there are six sisters all close by (four in our apt) which is way fun. the sisters are all way awesome and chill which is a party all the time. im glad the majority of sisters here do not fit the scary stereotypes i always heard about slash imagined. umm what else..... we were like do trail runs the other day basically cuz we were late to something, i don't remember what, and we were like in the middle of nowhere of our area. it was great! for reals, i loved it. 

oh!!!! something cool! we do this thing every saturday that's called CTR kids. the senior missionary couple here started it (they are in our branch too which is sweet cuz they give us rides all the time lolz) so they just go to a little dirt patch thing (this is harder to describe than i thought it would be) and they have primary! basically. ok so they start with a song and prayer and they taught all the kids how to pray, then they have singing time, then all the missionaries (the six sisters and sometimes elders too!) split the kids into little groups and teach a lesson (aka story time out of the book of mormon aka my favorite thing ever) and then we have a closing prayer and song and they all color a picture that relates to the lesson!!! 

imma be honest with you, i went back and forth on this activity. i was like wow that's awesome! but then i was like oh dang! that's all we are ever going to have time to do on sat!!!! (we do have like 3 hours to work other than that but that's hardly anything! especially for a saturday!!) and i was like umm is this worth it? we're teaching like 80 kids. whose parents are still at their houses.........................................

but then!!! sister abanggan and i tracted the area we do one of the ctr kids events in. coolest thing ever. alllll the kids know us. we have a huge list of people's names from the event that the senior missionary couple collected somehow (idk how they got these names imma be honest with you) anyway! we just walk down the street (hiking trail/ road/ alley/ whatevs) and the kids all come out and talk to us and we're like hey do you know this person? and they're like oh yeah that's my mom/dad/aunt/grandma/whatevs and we're like sweet where's your house? is your mom/dad/aunt/grandma/whatevs home? can we teach them right now? and they're like yeah!!! (cuz they're kids and they're awesome and they love us) and then we're like hey!! soooo we're the people teaching your kids how to pray and sing and stuff on saturday! and then we teach the fam. it's sweet. ok so we've only been back to that area once, but that's what happened! we like couldn't even make it to the end of the street/ hiking trail/ road/ alley/ whatevs cuz we just taught/met and set a future appt with every single person on the street. so tight. so now im stoked on it again. plus, letsbehonest. who doesn't love a good storytelling sesh? :)

aight peace out, the church is true. don't drink and drive. (cuz you'll probs spill water all over yourself) and don't drink alak at all. (cuz it's dumb. that's all there is to that.)

sister jones


  1. Your new area sounds great. I love how positive you are. And I love the little primary/story time. Cause you know that the kids are the best way to bring their parents in to the church!! Love you. Keep up the great work.
    Love Aunt Cindi

  2. I just laugh and cry (good tears) when I read your emails. I can totally picture what you are describing and we are so happy that you are happy! Thanks for being a super example to our kids and us...after all how are we supposed to share the joy of the Gospel if we don't experience joy ourselves.
    Love ya,
