Sunday, April 28, 2013

Two in One: Camping out, Transfers, Training and something went missing....

April 22, 2013

 We still don't have water so that's a party. it's like camping :)

Our investigators are doing really well. we have 12 right now with a bapt date. 3 are going to church regularly. im thinking out of those 12..... 10 will get baptized in the next two transfers.. we'll see. they're doing well, we just need to get them to church! and we're working on that.... our next bap is may 5th. we pushed everyone back cuz we didn't feel they were ready so now they're all reaaaaallly excited to get baptized, they're pretty much waiting for us to give them the ok. it's good. they need to be better prepared, we have too many recent convert/less actives.

Our area is really good, im excited to train here, it has a good branch, good members, and good investigators! the only thing we're missing is dinner appts.... but honestly im ok with that and we just set one up anyway!

We're doing a short email time this week so my comp can finish packing and leave cuz they're picking her up at like noon ish! soo love you guys!

Hey this week we ate/drank fresh coconut. waaaay good. and another american sister had balut for the first time. still not delicious. but she's been avoiding it the whole year that she's been here! sooo pretty much im glad im done with that experience :)

I went on exchanges with a sister that is going home with my comp, sister w.   it was way fun. kinda helped me feel what it would be like to lead/train except sister w is super awesome at tagalog and teaching..... but i had to lead. oh and then our investigator may or may not have stolen our cell phone. cool. moral of the story, P800 later, we went back and taught her about repentance :) next week's lesson is on the ten commandment lolz joke lang. she probs didn't steal it but someone did out of her house sooo just kinda a bummer. but life goes on!

Everyone's really excited for this transfer cuz crazy things are going down. they're splitting two zones and adding traveling sisters which will be like aps/zone leaders but for sisters and the word on the street is sister garcia will be one of them!!!!!!!!!! she's such a champ. ummmm yep, life is good!

I got  bold testifying of the Book of Mormon on when we were on exchanges. it was suuuuper fun. this sister was like umm yeah i'll read it if i have time buuuut im busy. and i was just like nope. not good enough. we're all busy with unimportant things. you need to make time. this is your salvation on the line. i want you to promise me that you will read this book. blahdiblahdiblah
good times. letsbehonest we're always pretty bold though, that one was not that different from the norm :) we'll see what happens!

soo yep! peace out, make time to read the Book of Mormon. it's worth it.
-sister jones

April 28, 2013

Sooo im training an american!!!! she's the first 19 year old sister in our mission!!!! she's from american fork and her name is sister ch___ which everyone is having trouble pronouncing lolz. she's super chill and we're getting along great!

of course, since she was only in the mtc 6 weeks.    she's so eager to learn and super humble so she'll learn in no time! no worries :)
 it's been really interesting to teach everything. literally. sister ch_____  prays and testifies at the end..... it's tight though!

In other news, our area is doing well! we have two slash three baptisms on saturday and they are all potential priesthood holders!!! one of them is 13, one is 19 and married to a member, and the third is.... an unknown age. (he's older....) we didn't actually teach the third one which is why i don't know anything about him.

the senior couple that was assigned here is going home suuuuper suddenly on Friday because of health reasons. it's a huge bummer. so they're missing their baptism!! that's why we're in charge of it... we are definitely going to miss them in our branch! but he needs to go home to get things taken care of.

So this transfer was exciting! i got my american comp and they opened two new zones so they called a bunch of new zone leaders and they called the new sister aps/zls/dls!!!! (that's what president called them) they're traveling sisters and right now there are two so they are like aps but eventually there will be six and they will be like zone leaders. so the two right now are sister garcia!!!!! and sister walker!! two americans! which is unexpected! they were both half way through training so they took their trainees and one of the new trainers and put them all together as a tri-some. cray cray. anyway the traveling sisters go on exchanges twice a week with all the sisters and this week they're going on exchanges with us!! i get to work with sister garcia again!! im stoked. it'll be a party. soo yep. that's whats up.

peace out kids!
-sister jones

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