Monday, May 6, 2013

We've got water and Pictures too

  Our baptisms were great! there were two really great speakers and the youth put together a musical number and it rained and it was lovely! they both gave really sweet testimonies at the end (at least what i could hear was sweet... they both talk suuuuper quietly!!!) it was altogether a success. and we only started like 30 mins late! lolz. that's good btw.
other than that this week has been pretty regular! we are trying to figure out how to continue ctr kids now that the ewells are gone but it'll work out just fine. 

We met a new investigator this week. totes awesome. she is a referral we got when we first got here but she lives wicked far away so she kinda got lost. but last sat we set time to go meet her and see what's up. so we teach her and her granddaughter and great-grandson (a baby) and it was so great!! she kept telling us she has listened to and attended all sorts of different churches but she is looking for "the best" church. and once she finds it she wants her whole family to all go there together, to all have one religion that is "the best" and lots of fun stuff like that. it was so cool just to be able to testify to her that this is "the best" not only that but it is the truth and the correct too!! we just taught her a really simple lesson but at the end she was like this makes the most sense out of anything i've heard! your message is the best. and we taught her to pray and she prayed and we asked her how she felt and she just paused and was like i just feel the Holy Spirit all over me! and she said she had goosebumps and she just felt so happy and felt the Spirit so strongly! it was suuuuuuper cool.

We also have a long term investigator that is super legit but can't get baptized till she marries her less-active husband.... this has been their dilemma for quite some time now.... but she is so awesome! it is not keeping her from getting involved in the church. this Sunday she came to church again by herself with two of her three little kids and was like heeey can i have my baby blessed today? and we were like totally!! even though her husband wasn't there and she isn't even a member yet! she just knows the truth and how important it is for her and her family! we also had her pick out the opening song in our last lesson and she picked "faith of our fathers" which is not the normal inv or even member pick. it was so cool to know that she really is living and loving the gospel as much as she can at this point!! she'll get baptized. just wait :D
Also! i went on splits with sister garcia this week!!!! she's so awesome!!!! it was great cuz i was leading all the lessons (which is the norm now of course, but it's different from when we were companions) and show off my improved language skills lolz, which was not much but whatevs :) we have way too much fun teaching together, it's awesome.

So we were wandering around, trying to find this referral and we finally found them but they weren't there. sooo we had more time than anticipated and i was like ooook we'll go to this member that lives right here that i sometimes may or may not avoid cuz she's..... a wonderful child of God that i am so happy is active and supportive of the missionaries!!! ;) 
anyway we taught her and it was a good lesson! and then she was like where are you going? and we were like umm home! it's curfew time! and she was like oh bummer, i wanted to introduce you to my friend! and we were like ooooh we always have time for that! let's go! so she returned the chair to her neighbor, but i thought that was the friend we were supposed to meet, so we chatted with her and set a return apt. sweet. then she was like ok let's go meet my friend!
and i was like ooooh there's another one! sweet! so we went to the real referral and we met this lady who was smoking when we got there (details, that'll change soon enough) but we just starting talking to her and i swear she was like reading from one of our pamphlets. she was like i just want to know which of all the churches is true! and i don't know how to find that out for myself!! beautiful. i love questions like that. so we got to bear testimony to her and leave her with an assignment to read and we're headed back bukas! 
good times.

Sooo this week we have a bazillion people to teach and no time!!!! cuz we also have a bazillion meetings!!!! but that's ok cuz the meetings are way good. and they will make us better missionaries for when we are teaching! yaaaaay meetings!!! lolz for reals though.
we have water again!!!!!! no more camping in our own apt!!! and i finally gave in and got a labendera. cuz this lady in the ward reaaaaally wanted to do our laundry. so what the heck. more nap time for me :)
sister chamberlain is still doing great! trying everything new in sight!! she actually really liked balut! so this week we're taking her to the mrc to get her checked out..... joke lang! she's a champ and we're doing work!
it's been real. 
-sister jones

Sister Abanggan and Sister Jones

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