Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cat Burglar and a sport fest...plus pictures of CTR kids

This week was great! 
Sister Jones with the CTR kids

.... we taught ten lessons in one day on thursday. it was intense. (before that our high was like 7 yata) we found this new less active who's name is kenneth. when we got there he was asleep and his mom woke him up and he sat there on the couch not looking at us holding a pillow for the entire lesson. we thought he was super mad at us for being the reason he had to wake up buuuut we soon discovered he was just angry at the church or something. anyway we kept teaching him and he softened up a lil bit by the end and gave the closing prayer, committed to read, and said we could come back! so we're leaving thinking ok this is a decent start, maybe in a few weeks we can get him to come back to church. then on sunday, he was there!!!! still looking kinda grumpy but we've just decided that might just be how his face looks :) we we're stoked. it was like more exciting than having a new investigator at church!

Sister Chamberlain's first time on a jeepney

Sister Jones and Sister  Chamberlain (Sarah is her trainer)

ok we went to the store. and there was this table outside with a Book of Mormon sitting on it face down so i was staring it down cuz i was really confused why there was a BOM there.... and the owner came over and was thinking i was interested in the product on the table and i was like nah i don't care about housing. but whose book is that! and he was like it's mine! and i was like are you here in it (there was a marker in Helaman!!!) and he was like yep! and i was like are you a member? and he was like nope! and i was like do you want to be? and he was like sana! and i was like are the missionaries meeting with you right now? and he was like nope! i was like aiiiight what's your name and where do you live and we'll fix that right now :) it was way sweet. 

let's seeee ano pa.... 
we met this lady named rose. we taught her and her son once and then that sunday they both came to church and she brought her husband too! it was sweet. they're all going to get baptized. mostly because she's like "accept Jesus!" to her husband lolz. she's hilarious though, we're having a lot of fun teaching her but our lessons are soooo long cuz she loves to chicka chicka and our member present who is her friend also loves to chicka chicka.... it gets intense. we taught them after church on sunday and somehow we got on the tanget of like her delivering babies... she's a reflexologist? so she's kinda hippie ish but also super awesome and hilarious. she made us banana chips. they're delicious. we're friends now ;)

k so we live in a jail. not really but it's like reallllly locked up cuz one time it got broken into so now it's pretty much fort knox. that being said, someone broke into our apt!!!!! ok it was something not someone. and all they did was rip a whole in our table cloth, knock over a chair and poop all over the kitchen floor. soooooo weird to wake up to. im sending pictures. it was the weirdest morning ever!! so we decided it was a cat. then last night sister chamberlain and i were chilling on the couch doing our nightly planning and this cat come waltzing down the stairs like he owns the place!!! we were like ano ba iyan!!! how did you get in here?!!! so we went and investigated upstairs and the windows were open but nothing was disturbed and outside the windows is a really far jump even for a cat.... we were impressed. and not stoked. anyway we're now trying to figure out ways to cat proof our house..... still working on that one....

today we had sports fest for a zone activity and played the philippines version of kick the can and ping pong and patay (the hackeysack game kill except we played with a soccer ball) annnnd we had a ping pong tournament! it was a good time. but also why we're emailing wicked late... sorry bout that one. 

aight that's suuuuper long. and there are pictures to go with it!
peace out kids
-sister jones

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME Pictures! Love those CTR kids with my baby!!
