Monday, August 5, 2013


Makig-Angay family  
Caught in a rainstorm - Sarah and Sister Loo

Rain Enjoyment outside their apartment

climbing through a fence
Our work is going well. we got the whole cunanan family at church and they had a great!!!! experience. and pretty much every one in the ward came up to them and was super friendly, i was so proud of our ward! 
We had 25 new investigators this week!!! It is beginning to be a normal thing to have a bazillion new each week. we also drop like half of them the next week but that's just how that goes when we're looking for the prepared! we are tracting in the wealthier areas in our area (our area is actually pretty well off) and it's way interesting cuz you have to take a completely different approach. for example, sometimes we tract in english. weird. but we usually end up talking to the house help. the people that actually live slash own the house don't want to talk to us :/

But that's not always true! we found this way sweet girl last week. we knocked her house and it was raining and she was just looking at us like we were cray cray cuz we didn't have umbrellas and she was like uhhh come in and we taught her and she was way interested and had great questions!
then we came back a couple days later and had a great lesson! then she went back to the province... lame. but she'll be back soon. don't you worry.

Church was great! we finally had investigators at church!!!!!! 6!! the whole cunanan family came, which actually is just sister's name cuz we just found out they're not married.... but they all came! and we're having fhe with them tonight at a member's house, and the member's daughter who is less active is coming with her family. we planned a suuuuper awesome lesson on the atonement. we're so stoked!!!
Bernadette and all the neighborhood kids
Sisters in Pangarap
This spider was outside, where we do laundry :)
 ps the lil kids here buy/find spiders and then stick two spiders on a stick and have spider fights to the death. it's actually waaaaay awesome to see. and we saw a cock fight the other week.... also in pangarap... it was super cool!  [mom's note:  this is truly NOT awesome to see]

District outing to Ecco park

Ecco park

Touching the baka (cow)

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