Monday, August 12, 2013

Typhoon time, story time and an egg

August 11, 2013 Typhoon time...

It's just a lil rain!! so either typhoons are totes overratted and nbd or it didn't pass over us and we just got a slightly harder than normal rain storm last night. no worries, it's all good :)

anyway! hilarious things happened this week.

1. we went to teach a recent convert and when we got there there were a ton of people gambling slash playing cards outside and we were just like oh hey. but then the rc (mark) was like can we have our lesson here? so we were just chillin outside with all the gamblers. so of course!!! this was a wonderful time to sing ridiculously loud and gather the attention of all these wonderful potential clerks for the church ( because they are so good with money and numbers, obviously.) so we belted "carry on." pretty much just me and sister loo cuz mark and our member working with us were both waaaaaay too embarrassed....... it was super hilarious imma be honest with you. then as we left i thanked them for listening and invited them all to sing with us the next day at church! none of them came this week.... maybe they didn't have enough money for the pamesahe from their gambling expenses.... next week. ;)

2. yesterday it rained way hard. but it was raining men! for reals though. it was ridiculous. dont' worry, i'll start at the beginning.
So we had stake conference yesterday! and it was in the morning so we had tons of time to work in the afternoon! (church is usually at one and it kills our day, but it's church so it's great, of course....) so we went out and taught our returning less-active that we're training to be the best member present around cuz she works with us every saturday and invites everyone and their mom to church and it's awesome.

2a. before that pala! we remembered that we forgot to buy an egg. it was tragic cuz we've started a new sunday dinner tradition for when we're all out of real food! we make.... wait for it....... pan de post-it!!!!! yes it is 5 million times more delicious than it sounds and if you're lucky i'll make it for you someday. moral of the story, we needed an egg. and we had none. and it was sunday. so we decided to borrow one from relamie! (our missionary in training less active) only problem... that was our first appointment. you can't exactly throw an egg in your bag all day and expect to use it come night.... so sister loo determined to carry it. all day. she's a champ. her only fear being that at the very end of the day when we are done with our appts and don't have anyone else we could borrow an egg from she would drop it or break it or whatevs at kawawa naman kami!!! (we would be bummed.... ish) so we successfully aquired an egg and we were off for the day... more on this egg later...

2b. back to raining men. so our first appt was to relamie, a girl. and i kid you not that was the last girl we seriously interacted with for the rest of the day. it was ridiculous. so we set a goal to OYM 26 people and guys are way easier to oym cuz they're the ones out on the street. the women are usually inside so we knock doors to talk to them. anyway we oymed two drunk old dudes on accident (those are the worst cuz they want to talk foreeeeever and you just want to peace out the second you know they're drunk cuz it's useless.) then we continued with 5 men fixing a car (one that told us a very detailed and VERY awkward account of why he doesn't like to go to catholic church cuz he gets distracted by girls sitting next to him wearing inappropriate attire.... totes awkward. he was old too.) but his buddy was legit! his dad was a mormon but he doesn't know anything about it cuz his mom and his grandma were suuuuper catholic daw so they kinda shut him down as far as being mormon goes. bummer. anyway we gave him a bom.

3. then! we had to catch a jeepney to head to our other area (cuz we had so much time we could go to two areas) so while we waited for the jeepney in the gentle rain this huuge group of teenage/young adults crosses the street over to our side to wait for a jeepney as well. and sister loo starts chattin one of them up! then they all got interested so they were gathered around and there was this kid that was asking all these questions about who Christ is to us and told us he doesn't have a religion right now cuz he is a seeker and he just wantsto know the truth!!! so we're throwing down. obviously. it was way fun!

4. but then!!! our jeep showed up! so we were like hey this is us! and they were like us too!!!! so they all hopped on this empty jeepney with us and we continued our conversation! it was legit! there were 9 of them!!! allllll dudes. craziness. so they got off and we were just laughing about how ridiculous that was and then two more dudes get on the jeep and they are confused why we're so happy so they start talking to us! and slowly the jeep fills up but we're still talking so we have an entire jeepney of people listening to us explain who we are and what we're doing here and why we can speak tagalog and we got off the jeepney and they all sent well wishes with us "god bless" "ingat" ganoon. (like that) it was a party.

5. we had two appts waaaay far into this area so we triked in and the trike took us to our second appt instead of our first and they were outside so we taught them first. basically it was 9 men and three boys. the mom was there technically but she wasn't involved in the lesson, she was just the gatherer in this house lolz. so this was a party. don't worry they all put on shirts for the lesson. and they were actually super legit! we're going back on sat. we're gonna double the priesthood in the ward. no bd. that's the plan anyway.

2a. balik tayo sa itlog namin! (we return to our egg!)
of course at this point it's getting late. and sister loo has been diligently holding our precious egg all night. but then. we step out of our halos puro lalaki appt and. the worst happened!!! sister loo pushed a hole in the top of our egg with her thumb!!! nooooo!!!! don't worry. it was just a lil thumb sized hole. we still have most of the egg. but we have one more appt, a trike ride, a jeepney ride, and a walk home before that egg is safely in our pan de post-it!!! curses. so we decided to ask two more men standing in front of a tindahan for a bag. one was drunk and offered us his protection as a security guard. yaaaaay. no thanks. but we got a bag!!! and our last appt punted us. no worries. it was late.

6. so to end our epic sunday adventures we took a shower in the rain on the way home (literally it was like showering) and sent in the wrong numbers to the district leader (i've only sent in those numbers 40 times, why should i know what numbers to send??) and made the most delicious pan de post-it ever!!!!!!

the end.

next week on nova project. do the 12 men come to church? Do we get flooded out due to "Typhoon Thor??" (remaned by sister loo in honor of the magic goat) and what exciting news does president tell us in zone conference??
get excited. this is real life in the phillipines ;)

-sister jones

ps. 7!!! our family home evening was amazing! couldn't have gone better.they all dressed up for it (so cute) and the dad got a new hair cut and they we're looking fresh. we taught an awesome lesson on the atonement where they all wrote down weaknesses or challenges or temptations or problems of theirs on a white towel and then we washed it out!! with the help of soap and bleach and time and sister loo's mad laundry skills lolz. then we taught them again on sat and set bap dates for that whole family!  and they came to stake conference all looking fresh again!! they're doing great!!! we're so excited for them!! all they have to do now is get married!!!! details. we're getting there. :)

(What is Pan de post-it):
it's amazingness in a sunday night dinner when we're all out of real food but also ridiculously hungry..... aka bread dipped in pancake batter and pan fried. best thing ever!

sister loo's family made something like it sooo we just adjusted it to our.... resources. and it's soo good. it's like the best pancake you'll ever have in your life. you guys should try it. :) or wait till i get home and then i'll be pro at it.

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